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Deaf Women of Color Presents: “Dancing with the Gallaudet Stars” with Captions

December 2, 2012

News of the Gallaudet Stars

This website features the news coverage for the Deaf, based on a dance event for the Deaf. Speak of multimedia journalism which caters to the needs of the Deaf. When I googled news for the Deaf, I was directed to this site called ideaf news. In this particular featured news event, the commentators use signs. Therefore, the camera has to zoom in on them after the dance items. This is because unlike the usual commentating style for the hearing, it will be distracting and more work to have the commentators comment while the show is on going, as the sight is already focused on the dancers. In comparison, for the hearing, while their eyes are engaged in the action, the hearing modality is available to listen to what the commentators have to say.

Another interesting story:

From watching this clip, I realised that in order to cover a news story for the deaf, where the newscaster or reporter signs, the lighting must be bright, and the camera focused on them, so that the signs can be visible. This again, is unlike journalism for the hearing, where the lights can be dimmed, while the reporter is speaking.

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